Ep. 1 | Warm Up
Ep 1 | Warm Up 100 touches in 3 minutes using 5 different throwing techniques. Designed to warm up your hands before moving on to

Ep. 2 | Inside Finishing
Ep 2 | Inside Finishing Improve your inside finishing, faking, accuracy, and wrist strength with these wall ball drills. Check out the updated Wristers video

Ep. 3 | Shooting
Ep. 3 | Shooting Maximize your shooting practice by practicing shooting on the Wall. Patrick shows you an easy and fun way to get the

Ep. 4 | Split and Load Shooting
Ep 4 | Split and Load Shooting Learn how to shoot out of a dodge like the Duke Blue Devils. Patrick shows you how Duke

Ep. 5 | Behind The Back
Ep 5 | Behind The Back Perfect your Behind the Back passes with this simple and effective Wall Ball Routine

Ep. 6 | Fine-Tuning Your Wind Up
Ep. 6 | Fine-Tuning Your Wind Up Work on catching the ball in a way that allows you to get rid of it as quickly