Ep. 1 | Warm Up
Ep 1 | Warm Up 100 touches in 3 minutes using 5 different throwing techniques. Designed to warm up your hands before moving on to more intricate wall ball drills.
Ep 1 | Warm Up 100 touches in 3 minutes using 5 different throwing techniques. Designed to warm up your hands before moving on to more intricate wall ball drills.
Ep 2 | Inside Finishing Improve your inside finishing, faking, accuracy, and wrist strength with these wall ball drills. Check out the updated Wristers video in the Drills Section!
Ep. 3 | Shooting Maximize your shooting practice by practicing shooting on the Wall. Patrick shows you an easy and fun way to get the most reps in the least time!
Ep 4 | Split and Load Shooting Learn how to shoot out of a dodge like the Duke Blue Devils. Patrick shows you how Duke trains its players to shoot out of a dodge with the Split and Load Wall Ball Drill.
Ep 5 | Behind The Back Perfect your Behind the Back passes with this simple and effective Wall Ball Routine
Ep. 6 | Fine-Tuning Your Wind Up Work on catching the ball in a way that allows you to get rid of it as quickly as possible!
Ep 7 | Wind Up Face Dodge Wind up like you’re going to shoot to freeze your opponent and face dodge right past them!
Ep. 8 | Wind Up Spin Move Practice your Wind Up Spin Move with this video from the innovative POWLAX Wall Ball Routines.
Ep. 9 Wind Up Hitch Jump Shot Perfect your foot work and quick wind up for one of the most used lacrosse dodges in the game! Coaching For Lacrosse…. Teaching For Life… Wall Ball | Tricks | Highlights Wall Ball POWLAX Wall Ball Ep. 1 | Warm Up Ep. 2 | Inside Finishing Ep. 3 …
Lockdown Wall Ball | Week 1 Week 1 compilation of daily wall ball challenges for players to do while social distancing. Coaching For Lacrosse…. Teaching For Life… Wall Ball | Tricks | Highlights Wall Ball POWLAX Wall Ball Ep. 1 | Warm Up Ep. 2 | Inside Finishing Ep. 3 | Shooting Ep. 4 | …