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2 Man Game

Salmon Bellies Slip Shooting Drill

Salmon Bellies Slip Shooting Drill Salmon Bellies is a simple shooting drill that emphasizes slipping after picking off ball! Download the Playbook PDF! Reload For A Random Offense Video Defense Video Drill Video Skill Video

2 Man Game – The Perfect Pick

2 Man Game – The Perfect Pick An overview of how we want players to set the Perfect Pick. Download the Playbook PDF! Reload For A Random Offense Video Defense Video Drill Video Skill Video

2 Man Game – Off Ball Options

2 Man Games – Off Ball Options 2 Man Games are all about decision making. In this video, we discuss the decision making options from an off-ball player perspective. Download the Playbook PDF! Reload For A Random Offense Video Defense Video Drill Video Skill Video

Doubling Picks

Doubling Picks Picks are a great time to surprise a team and double the ball. In this video, we discuss the methods for doubling the ball. Download the Playbook PDF! Reload For A Random Offense Video Defense Video Drill Video Skill Video

2 Man Game

Executing and Defending 2 Man Games Everything you need to know about 2 man games! Patrick breaks down 2 man games into all of their parts, including general motions, ball carrier options, off ball options, defending 2 man Ggames, and how locations effect 2 man games. Download the Playbook PDF! Reload For A Random Offense Video …

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