Team Branded Master Classes
Branded Team Master Classes elevate teams by instilling a culture of accountability and strategic intelligence. By integrating comprehensive learning with progress tracking, teams become cohesive units with enhanced Lacrosse IQ, ready to adapt and excel in competitive play. This transformative approach leads to smarter, more unified gameplay.

Team Branded Master Classes

Branded Team Master Classes elevate teams by instilling a culture of accountability and strategic intelligence. By integrating comprehensive learning with progress tracking, teams become cohesive units with enhanced Lacrosse IQ, ready to adapt and excel in competitive play. This transformative approach leads to smarter, more unified gameplay.
- Save Time! Get to Meaningful Reps Faster
- Unlock the Ultimate Accountability
- Create Complete Cohesiveness
This program is currently unavailable. Please complete the Lacrosse Coaching Mastery Assessment to inquire.
Here's How it Works!
Step 1: Register and send Patrick the 5 POWLAX Master Classes you’d like to use.
Step 2: We’ll make a Branded Team Master Class with your choices!
Step 3: Boost your team lacrosse IQ, unlock effortless accountability, and increase your team cohesion by getting to meaningful reps faster!
Ohio State Pairs Motion Offense Master Class
Cuse Motion Offense Master Class
Duke’s Fade and Follow Offense Master Class
21-12 Motion Offense Master Class
Virginia’s 2-2-2 from X Master Class
2019 Penn State Offense Master Class
Penn State’s 1-4-1 Wing Pairs Offense Master Class
Send me an email at and I’ll bump it to the top of the list!
All POWLAX Master Classes are run by, PATRICK CHAPLA, the founder of POWLAX, a lacrosse brand focused on inspiring young players and ensuring they enjoy playing the sport. His coaches training videos have been viewed over 2 million times and have helped thousands of coaches create excellent environments for their players.