POWLAX Master Coach

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Creating Confident Coaches
Create Exceptional Lacrosse Environments

4-3 Alpha Clear Team Master Class Membership

Welcome to our lacrosse master class on the 4-3 Alpha Clear! In this course, we will teach you a simple and efficient clearing strategy that utilizes all of the key principles of effective clearing. The 4-3 Alpha Clear is a must-know for strategy any high school lacrosse team, and Patrick will guide you through every step of the process. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lacrosse player or coach, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to execute the 4-3 Alpha Clear with confidence and precision. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your team’s clearing game – sign up now!

This Master Class includes the 4-3 Alpha Clear Playbook PDF for all of your players.  Track your players (30) as they progress through the course.

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